My Dental Values

In my 41 years of practice, I have contemplated some things that should be followed in the practice of dentistry. The mark of a good person is their ability to learn and adapt to better them-self.
This list is by no means a final draft but it is the sum of what I have learned over time:
- Do what is best for the patient in the long run.
- Be conservative by keeping as much of tooth structure as possible.
- Make it simple for the patient to maintain their health.
- Stay young by keeping abreast of the newest concepts of dental research and make wise choices with this new knowledge.
- One thing or one procedure does not fit all.
- Make it fun!
- Be interested in people.
- Time is important.
- Trust must be earned.
- Above all, we are in the service business which often takes us beyond the patient’s teeth.
I know that there are still many important life lessons ahead of me. I hope that I can continue to find ways to serve those with whom I come into contact.
How about you? What are some of your rules for life?