Dental Crowns Can Change Your Life!
Dental Crowns In Fresno
A Dental Crown Can Fix Your Damaged or Decayed Tooth
Here at our dental practice in Fresno, Dr. Netzley will use dental crowns to help repair chipped or broken teeth, as well as to replace any missing teeth during the dental implant process. As dental crowns can be identical to the color of the other teeth in your mouth, they are an aesthetically pleasing option chosen by millions of people across the United States.If you have a broken or decayed tooth that can’t be fixed with a filling, inlay, or other dental restoration procedure, a dental crown may be the best option to restore the tooth back to it’s normal state. A crown is designed to cover the damaged part of the tooth and will restore it back to it’s original size, shape and overall structure.
You Might Need A Crown If:
• The tooth has been filled so much that there is more filling than actual tooth structure
• The tooth has had extensive decay and/or damage
• The tooth has been broken
• The tooth has a root canal performed on it
• Adjacent teeth need crowns to support a bridge
• A dental implant has been put in and requires a crown to finish it off
If your teeth are in need of repair and you want to have a whiter and brighter smile, please give us a call at (559) 227-4078 or send an email to to schedule and appointment.
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