When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear

– Buddha Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni I am so utterly excited about my profession! I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: “Dental treatment has been advancing as much or more than computer development.” And today we can treat patients in ways unimaginable just a few years ago.  One of my favorite expressions is: “If…

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Who Does a Dentist Go To, To Fix His Own Teeth?

Years ago, I read a story of a vacationing dentist visiting a one-dentist town on a small island off of Greece.  The only local dentist in this town needed some dental work and he sat in his own chair while the visiting dentist fixed him up. Back in the day, my childhood dentist practiced the…

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Running Away

When I was in kindergarten, there were over 85 kids in our class, and it took two teachers and some aids to keep us all corralled and in line.   The room was extremely large to hold all of us and even had a full-size playhouse in the middle of the classroom.   The bathrooms were on…

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Insurance – Episode One

A long, long time ago, in ancient times (3770 years ago) on the far side of the planet, the first forms of insurance were recorded by the Babylonian and Chinese traders.  One of the first written loss limitation methods can be found in the Code of Hammurabi— The ancient world evolved with maritime loans with…

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My Dental Values

Pediatric Dentist For Children in Fresno

In my 41 years of practice, I have contemplated some things that should be followed in the practice of dentistry. The mark of a good person is their ability to learn and adapt to better them-self. This list is by no means a final draft but it is the sum of what I have learned…

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